A river cruise from Dijon to Marseilles serves up a healthy portion of quintessential France. Of course, many of the huge European themes covered in the cruisereader articles on Rhine and Danube cruising apply to southern France, as well. However, there are some topics that seem to be particularly suited to this land of “le bon vivant”, (good living).
Check out the map of France in your National Geographic Visual Atlas of the World, 2nd Edition: Fully Revised and Updated and you’ll see that Dijon is not that far south of Paris. You will be traversing over half the “height” of France. In fact, you are basically motoring down a crease in the Earth’s topography between the Alps, to the east, and the Massif Central highlands of central France, to the west. This crease has been a highway from the Mediterranean to Central Europe for 2,500 years, at least.
First, we’ll ramble through some political history. This area has made some interesting contributions to the chronicles of Europe. Greeks, Romans, and Germanic tribes, oh my! That’s just the beginning. We’ve got counts, dukes, and kings galore.
Next, we’ll look at some specific aspects of Christian history that show up here. You’ll probably remember something about the Avignon Popes from 10th grade World history. I suspect the story is far more convoluted than any lesson fragments you have managed to retain. And then, there’s the really controversial stuff about, first, the Knights Templar, and second, Mary Magdalene. Trust cruisereader to plunge ahead where other journalists fear to tread!
Finally, we’ll raise a toast to the good life of this unique region. You will be floating past some of the most exclusive wineries and restaurants in the world. Leave all hope of gastronomical discipline at home.
You can pretend to be rich and famous in Cannes, or the Riviera. Who knows who you might see? Save some time to check out the famous art exhibitions for some of your favorite artists. We’re talkin’ Chagall, Matisse, Van Gogh, and Picasso.
What a great trip. This is the France of A Year in Provence. You might also like A Traveller in Southern France
. History buffs will like one of my top recommendations, The Road from the Past: Traveling through History in France
. For an amusing take on the differences between French and American sensibilities, pick up I’ll Never Be French (no matter what I do): Living in a Small Village in Brittany
. This is the countryside living that beguiles travelers from all over.
“Vive la France”! And Bon Voyage.